BETTER TOGETHER Marriage Prep Inventory

Great communication is essential to having a great marriage. Our marriage prep inventory is a FREE questionnaire designed to celebrate strengths and highlight opportunities for growth between engaged couples.
Are you married?
Take the enrichment inventory.
How Does It Work?
It’s easy! You’ll each set up a free account and answer questions, individually, about your relationship. Your responses are automatically saved as you go, so you can complete the inventory on your own time.

View your results.
Once you and your future spouse finish, log in to effortlessly view each other's responses and quickly identify areas for discussion. Your facilitator, if you have one, will be able to see your answers, too (your responses won’t be shared with anyone else).

Start talking.
We partnered with Catholic psychologist Dr. Gregory Bottaro, director of The CatholicPsych Institute, to develop an inventory that would encourage couples to talk about important topics before they say “I do.” Get ready to connect on a deeper level as you review your answers together. Learn more about the marriage principles covered in the inventory.