by Dynamic Catholic
By presenting Catholicism in a way that is engaging and relevant, these 72 short films speak into the everyday lives of young Catholics and invite them to explore some of life’s big questions as the prepare for Confirmation.

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Order 1-5: $12.95 each
Order 6+: $8.95 each
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Also Available as Audiobook
By presenting Catholicism in a way that is engaging and relevant, these 72 short films speak into the everyday lives of young Catholics and invite them to explore some of life’s big questions as the prepare for Confirmation.

Shipping Cost(s) Per Item on Canadian Orders:
Order 1-5: $12.95 each
Order 6+: $8.95 each
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Includes 4-disc set of the complete DECISION POINT DVD series containing 72 short films.

  • Who are you?
  • What are you here for?
  • What matters most?
  • What matters least?

It's time to start thinking about life's big questions.

The DECISION POINT DVD set includes 72 engaging, content-rich short films presented over 12 sessions on 4 DVDs. Each film serves as an invitation to explore some of the most important questions in life. In the process you will discover the incredible dream that God has for you.

The DECISION POINT content is like nothing we have seen before for Confirmation prep. Dynamic Catholic was founded on the idea of “meeting people where they are . . . and leading them to where God is calling them to be!” With this in mind, DECISION POINT covers everything we would traditionally teach in preparing young people for Confirmation, but the program also covers a series of life issues, helping to make a powerful connection between preparing for Confirmation and the candidates’ everyday lives.

It is also unique in that it is the first program to be rigorously tested before release. Over and over we have tested the materials in the program to find out what works and refined the content accordingly.

These 72 films are an excellent way to present the Catholic faith to the youth in your parish in an engaging and dynamic way and serve as great conversation starters. We found that it doesn't work to just download a bunch of information on the teens. Engaging them is therefore the first step. Until they are engaged, it doesn't matter how much information you share with them; they simply will not absorb it and make it their own. Evangelization is a great conversation. We hope DECISION POINT helps you to ignite that conversation with all the young people in your parish.

$9.95 including shipping and handling (any quantity)

$22.95 in Canada, including shipping and handling (any quantity)

To place orders to Canada please contact us at 859–980-7900.

ISBN: 978-1-929266-90-6

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