
Because Great Parents Can Change Everything!

Baptism and Parenting Preparation Experience

Helping Parents Raise Great Children

The wait is over. Your bundle of joy is here. She’s got dad’s nose and mom’s eyes. And she screams like a banshee. You are overwhelmed with joy and love. You are just plain overwhelmed! And while nothing can fully prepare you to become a mom or a dad, you can prepare to become a great mom or dad. STARTING POINT gives you the insights, tools, and encouragement necessary to raise a great child—from Baptism and beyond!

Find Out Why You Need STARTING POINT In Your Life

A smiling father and mother both wearing white shirts sit on the carpet in their home between their newborn girl who lays on her stomach with her head held up

Parent Resources

A mother with her hands crossed kneels with her daughter and son on her left side who also have their hands crossed in prayer at church

Parish Resources

What Are Your Dreams for Your Family?

A Parent’s Journal for Dreaming

Parents who dream are more engaged in their child’s life. Couples who learn to dream together have marriages that are longer, fuller, and happier. When you dream—often and openly—your child grows up with a sense that you want what’s best for her. Now is your time to dream!

Preview Journal: English | Spanish

The front book cover with the title starting point in blue text sitting in the bottom third of the cover with the background of a wife sitting on the floor with her husband who is leaning over her left shoulder and smiling at their baby boy which the wife is holding up

Parenting Preparation Inventory with Dr. Greg Bottaro

Until now, nothing like this has ever existed. It was created specifically for you—to help you start talking, to help you recognize helpful and harmful patterns, and to help you implement the strategies necessary to become great parents! You and your spouse will each sign up, answer a series of questions, and then discuss your results together.


These are not your great grandma’s baptismal preparation videos. Short, entertaining, relevant, inspiring, surprising, engaging, thought-provoking, educational—is that enough adjectives for you? These three videos will get you thinking differently about parenting, Baptism, and your family’s future!


Get helpful, fun, encouraging parenting tips sent directly to your inbox. Whether you’ve been through the STARTING POINT program or not, this email program is totally relevant to any parent—and completely free!