One-Hour In-Person Session
We’re Here to Help!
The suggested format is one 60-minute session with the parents where they will watch videos, discuss topics and ask questions. However, the program is flexible and can be adapted to fit your particular parish or diocesan needs.
The Dream Journal
Part One is all the parents’ dreams and God’s dreams. It’s about getting parents thinking about the future, about what kind of parent they want to be and what kind of man or woman they want their child to grow into. Part Two is all about Baptism and why it’s the best gift parents can give their child!
Three Engaging Videos
The average couple in the United States watches over 5 hours of television per day. It’s clear people enjoy being entertained by video content… so meeting parents where they are, we made the best, most entertaining, most inspiring, and most enlightening Baptism preparation videos EVER. See for yourself.
The Church Is Only as Strong as Its Families
Take-Home Resources for Parents
While the one-hour in-person session is designed to be a powerful experience for new parents, we understand that it’s not always enough to give parents that big AH-HA! moment. This dream journal is a great resource to continue building stronger parents, but we didn’t stop there…
Parenting Preparation Inventory with Dr. Greg Bottaro
“Inventories” are standard practice for preparing young couples to get married in the Church. But when new parents have a baby, no one is helping them talk about all the things they are too busy to talk about (because… babies, am I right?). That is, until now! This is the first ever parenting inventory! It gets parents talking about God, faith, dreams, and parenting philosophies—i.e., kind of important stuff.
STARTING POINT is jam-packed with content that parents want and need. The videos and journal are the most relevant and impactful resources on the market. But we didn’t stop there. We also have a one-year email program consisting of 104 (two per week) encouraging, helpful, inspiring emails!