33 Days to Eucharistic Glory

A Consecration Journey with Matthew Kelly and Other Catholic Speakers!

Join the Spiritual Pilgrimage of a Lifetime

What pilgrimage is complete without an amazing guide? That’s why we’re gathering some of the most dynamic leaders and speakers in the Catholic world to walk with you through 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory. Now, you can choose your own incredible path to Eucharistic Consecration! Each day you’ll receive inspiring videos from your selected guide right to your inbox. Sign up now for FREE!

Experience the Power of Consecration

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory isn’t just another book—it’s an invitation to participate in a sacred journey. It’s time to discover all that you are, all that you can be, and all that you will be in Jesus Christ. It’s time to embrace Eucharistic Glory.

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Prepare for an Explosion of Grace in Your Life!

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory will help you learn the astonishing history of the Eucharist, meet saints who lived in Eucharistic Glory, and experience spiritual communion with God—all in an easy-to-follow daily format!

More resources for your spiritual pilgrimage

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33 Days to Eucharistic Glory For Kids

Now every kid can experience the journey to know Jesus like never before.

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Consecrate Your Whole Family!

These spiritual guides will forever change the way your entire family spends time with Jesus in the Eucharist.

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33 Days to Eucharistic Glory: The Journal

This consecration companion gives you the time and space to unpack God’s message for your life.

Another Great Option

Walk with Fr. Jonathan Meyer

Fr. Jonathan Meyer has dedicated his life to helping people experience Jesus like never before. Join him for this epic experience and get ready for an explosion of grace in your life.

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