Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

April 30 | The Genius of Catholicism

Saint Pius V

A.D. 1504–1572

I love being Catholic, and so did Saint Pius V.

Pius V was pope during the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation. He responded to the division and turmoil of his times by doubling down on the practices and beliefs that make us Catholic, as well as communicating to the whole world the beauty and genius of Catholicism. He created a standard missal so that Catholics all around the world could follow the incredible prayers of the Mass, which remained unchanged for almost 400 years. He urged all Catholics to pray the rosary and reflect on the mysteries of Jesus’ life. He led the production of the Roman Catechism, the first official Church catechism.

And he ministered to the poor, making sure citizens in Rome and other cities had enough to eat and clean water to drink.

Saint Pius V loved being Catholic, and he wanted to show the world just some of the infinite number of great reasons to be Catholic.

In the spirit of Saint Pius V, then, let’s look at ten great reasons to be Catholic. 

10. This is the Church that Jesus Christ started and sent the Holy Spirit to guide. It is unique and original.

9. The Catholic Church has relieved more suffering than any other group of people in the history of the world. 

8. We have history and mystery. To really understand Christianity you need a historical perspective, and the history of Christianity is Catholic. Today, there are more than twenty-five thousand different Christian denominations, but they all lack the rich and beautiful history we have as Catholics.

7. We have the Saints. These are the great heroes and heroines of Christianity. They are the most diverse group of people in history.

6. We believe in the power of prayer. At every moment of every day Mass is being prayed in thousands of places around the world. That's our family praying for the whole world.

5. It's the same all around the world. Catholicism is the same everywhere, and that's a beautiful thing.

4. The Catholic Church is the premier defender of human rights. 

3. The Catholic Church has the most important mission in the world—and you are invited to get involved and be a part of that great mission!

2. The Eucharist. Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist.

1. You don't say no to God when he invites you. There are some invitations we don't turn down. I can come up with great reasons to be Catholic all day long, but ultimately you need to come up with your own. I can't give you my love of the Church. I wish I could. In the end you have to make Catholicism your own.

Why do you love being Catholic?


I love being Catholic.

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Feast Day: April 30

Feast Day Shared By: Saint Quirinus of Rome and Saint Peter the Deacon

Patron Saint of: Bosco Marengo in Italy

Symbols: Papal Tiara, Crucifix, Book

Canonized: May 22, 1712

Canonized By: Pope Clement XI

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