A Guide to Eucharistic Adoration

Prayer is an integral part of spiritual health. How spiritually healthy are you today? It’s time to integrate a daily routine of prayer into your life.

A close-up of a golden Catholic Monstrance holding the Eucharist

When you’re in the presence of the Eucharist, you are really in the presence of Jesus. We can spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass, but there are also special opportunities during Euchristic Adoration–and these opportunities will deepen your faith and change your life!

What is Eucharistic Adoration?

Eucharistic Adoration is when you spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

To start Eucharistic Adoration, the priest will place a consecrated host in a monstrance and pray the Exposition of the Blessed Eucharist. You’ll then have time with Jesus! During this time, you can pray in whatever way you want, bringing Jesus your needs, desires, fears, regrets, and more. Exposed Adoration officially ends with Benediction. The priest approaches the altar, genuflects and kneels, then incenses the Monstrance from the kneeling position. He stands and faces the Eucharist while praying the closing prayer. Then wearing the humeral veil, a scarf-like garment that covers his hands, the priest steps up and genuflects. He blesses the people using the monstrance or ciborium. The priest will then return the Eucharist to the Tabernacle, ending the time of Adoration.

What is Perpetual Adoration?

Perpetual Adoration is when a Catholic Church has Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for twenty-four hours a day…all year long! Sometimes churches may require a code to enter a chapel during specific hours, especially late at night or early in the morning.

What is a Holy Hour?

A Holy Hour is when you spend one hour praying in Adoration. You can make a Holy Hour at any time or you can sign up for a specific hour at your local parish!

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How to Pray During Eucharistic Adoration

There is no wrong way to pray during adoration! You can talk to God about your personal intentions, seek spiritual guidance, or simply offer thanksgiving and adoration to God. It’s a great time to practice Lectio Divina, prepare for the upcoming Sunday by reading the Gospel ahead of time, or meditating on the Rosary. Even just sitting in silence and allowing for God’s presence to wash over you is an appropriate way to spend time in adoration!

Prayers for Exposition

After the priest begins with the opening prayers, he will sing O Saving Victim, either in English or Latin:

English: O saving Victim, open wide. The gate of heaven to us below. Our foes press on from every side; Your aid supply, your strength bestow. To your great name be endless praise, Immortal Godhead, One in Three; O grant us endless length of days In our true native land with thee. Amen.

Latin: O salutaris Hostia Quae caeli pandis ostium; Bella premunt hostilia, Da robur, fer auxillium. Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria, Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. Amen

Prayers for Benediction

Tantum Ergo is sung, either in English or Latin.

English: Down in adoration falling, This great Sacrament we hail; Over ancient forms of worship Newer rites of grace prevail; Faith will tell us Christ is present, When our human senses fail. To the everlasting Father, And the Son who made us free, And the Spirit, God proceeding from them each eternally, Be salvation, honor, blessing, might and endless majesty. Amen.

Latin: Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui, Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui; Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectfui. Genitori Gentioque Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio; Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen.

The Divine Praisies:

Blessed be God. Blessed be his holy name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Blessed be his most Sacred Heart. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be her glorious Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, virgin and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints. Amen.


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