Every Man's Journey

by James Campbell
This series of thirty meditations is offered as a way to explore what it means to become the man God intended you to be.
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This series of thirty meditations is offered as a way to explore what it means to become the man God intended you to be.
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Today millions of faithful men serve their families, their churches, their parishes and communities in quiet ways. They are the rock-solid foundation on which community life is built. In so many ways these men can be taken for granted and they can feel unfulfilled in their desire to grow in a closer personal relationship with God and others.

This series of thirty meditations is offered as a way to explore what it means to become the man God intended you to be. Our guide will be the Apostle Peter. Jesus saw in Peter the man who was strong and great enough to lead his fledgling community. Jesus called Peter from his daily work to refocus him for God and others. God is also calling men today in the midst of their labors to discover how they can become more than they ever imagined.

ISBN: 978-1-937509-12-5

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