Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

February 5 | Learn to Say No

Saint Agatha

A.D. 231–251

Free will is an extraordinary gift. It is the essence of love. The ability to say “yes” carries with it a power and a responsibility that few people in history have reflected upon enough to take seriously. For the most part we take it for granted and misuse this extraordinary ability. But every time you say “yes,” it changes you. Forever.

The same goes for our power to say “no.” Our “no” to something that degrades our dignity or trivializes our humanity makes our "yes" to God even more powerful.

Saint Agatha heroically exemplified the power of saying “no,” even when it meant being tortured and, eventually, martyred. 

Agatha was born in Catania, Sicily, in the third century. As a young woman, Agatha was known both for her beauty and devout Christian faith. She made a vow of chastity and dedicated her life to serving God and others.

However, she soon gained the unwelcome attention of Quintianus, a high-ranking Roman official. When she refused his advances and declared her commitment to the Christian faith, Quintianus subjected her to cruel and inhumane tortures, almost too horrible to put into words. Despite this torture, Saint Agatha remained firm in her “no” to Quintianus and her “yes” to God. 

Ultimately, Agatha was put to death. Today, you might hear her name said at Mass. She is one of the few saints whose name has been mentioned at Mass for centuries.

What is God calling you to say “no” to in order to make your “yes” to him even more powerful? What is one habit or activity in your life that you need to say “no” in order to flourish as a human being?

May we all follow Saint Agatha’s example, saying no to the things that degrade our human dignity so that we can give our whole “yes” to God.

What can I start saying “no” to in order to fully live the life God wants for me?

I will say “no” to the things that are not good for me.

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Patron Saint of: Sicily, Bellfounders, Breast Cancer, Fire, Rape Victims, and wet nurses

Symbols: Embers and Shears (Martyrdom Tools)

Feast Day: February 5

Feast Day Shared By: Saint Adelaide

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