Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

February 11 | Messages

Our Lady of Lourdes

When God speaks to you, do you hear him? Do you expect messages from God, and when one comes, do you believe that he really could be speaking to you?

There’s nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism, but too often we doubt even the idea of God trying to speak to us, whether it be through an answered prayer, a miraculous coincidence, or a vision of the Virgin Mary.

Such was the case in 1858, when Mary appeared to a fourteen-year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous. At first, no one believed her, not even her own mother. And Bernadette herself did not know it was Mary—she simply believed that God was speaking to her through these visions, and referred to this heavenly woman as “The Lady.”

Bernadette kept returning to the place where “The Lady” had appeared, even though her family and the local government told her not to.

Eventually, “The Lady” revealed herself to Bernadette as the “Immaculate Conception.” And on February 25, 1858, Mary told Bernadette to drink from a fountain. Bernadette was confused because there was no fountain, but she started digging. Soon, she discovered the natural spring of Lourdes, which pilgrims still travel to today for healing.

God spoke to Bernadette through Mary, and Bernadette had the faith to receive the message, even when it didn’t seem to make sense. We can adopt the same attitude of openness to God and his messages. We probably won’t see visions or hear voices, but we can always ask the Big Question: “God, what do you want me to do?” That is a question he will always answer.

Be open to messages from God. He is always speaking to you, and always trying to guide you. When it becomes hard to hear him, that might be a sign that your life is too loud. Go to a quiet place, and pray, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:9)

How is God trying to speak to me today? Do I have the openness to recognize his call?

I will be attentive to how God is trying to guide me today.

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Feast Day: February 11

Feast Day Shared By: Saint Gregory II

Patron Saint of: Lourdes, France, Bodily Ills, Asthmatics, Protection from Diseases

Symbols: The Fleur De Lis and Roses

Decree of Approval: February 1, 1876

Image of a gold monstrance on a navy blue background with gold specks

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