33 Days to Divine Mercy (Preorder)
This is a preorder, books will arrive in time for Ash Wednesday
33 Days to Divine Mercy will revolutionize your experience of mercy, introduce you to inspiring saints, and teach you practical ways to be a Pilgrim of Mercy in the world—all in an easy-to-follow daily format! Read More
33 Days to Divine Mercy will revolutionize your experience of mercy, introduce you to inspiring saints, and teach you practical ways to be a Pilgrim of Mercy in the world—all in an easy-to-follow daily format! Read More
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This is a preorder, books will arrive in time for Ash Wednesday
33 Days to Divine Mercy will revolutionize your experience of mercy, introduce you to inspiring saints, and teach you practical ways to be a Pilgrim of Mercy in the world—all in an easy-to-follow daily format! Read More
33 Days to Divine Mercy will revolutionize your experience of mercy, introduce you to inspiring saints, and teach you practical ways to be a Pilgrim of Mercy in the world—all in an easy-to-follow daily format! Read More
Do you need a fresh start?Are you ready for a new beginning?
Our God is a God of second chances and fresh starts.
33 Days to Divine Mercy is a spiritual pilgrimage, an inspiring journey, a new beginning.
It begins by exploring the significance of mercy, both culturally and personally, to discover the transformative power it holds to heal our brokenness.
Jesus is the ultimate new beginning. Divine Mercy is the ultimate second chance. Jesus invites us to leave behind the old and step into the new. This is not merely a call to change our circumstances but to transform our hearts, our minds, and our souls.
What is Jesus inviting you to leave behind? Too often, we allow the weight of our past mistakes to prevent us from living the life God is calling us to live today. It’s easy to get stuck in repetitive thought cycles that focus on our past mistakes and the guilt, shame, and regret they gave birth to. Divine Mercy wants to liberate you from these obsessive thoughts about your past. You are not the worst thing you have done, and Divine Mercy is greater than every poor choice you have ever made.
New beginnings are full of hope and possibilities.
Life is a pilgrimage. It is a sacred journey toward our eternal home with God. Learn what it means to be a Pilgrim of Mercy in a world that is constantly trying to reduce you to a tourist and consumer. Journey with Mother Teresa, John Paul II, Augustine, Monica, John Vianney, Sister Faustina, Katharine Drexel, Damien of Molokai, and Vincent de Paul to encounter the heart of Divine Mercy like never before.
Without mercy there can be no forgiveness, without forgiveness there can be no healing, and without healing there can be no lasting peace. Divine Mercy is the spiritual air we breathe. It is the bridge between this world and the next.
33 Days to Divine Mercy will take you on an adventure of life-changing proportions. Embrace this experience and it will forever change the way you think about your past, your present, and your future.
ISBN: 978-1-63582-572-5