Bendecido Mi Primera Comunión Workbook

by Dynamic Catholic, Matthew Kelly
This world-class program does more than prepare children for their First Communion. It takes them on an unforgettable adventure that will have them saying, “I want to be Catholic forever!” Purchase the individual components that make up our program.

To order an English Program Pack click here.

To order a Spanish Program Pack click here.

Shipping Cost(s) Per Item on Canadian Orders (in US Dollars):
Order 1-5: $12.95 each
Order 6+: $8.95 each
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Also Available as Audiobook
This world-class program does more than prepare children for their First Communion. It takes them on an unforgettable adventure that will have them saying, “I want to be Catholic forever!” Purchase the individual components that make up our program.

To order an English Program Pack click here.

To order a Spanish Program Pack click here.

Shipping Cost(s) Per Item on Canadian Orders (in US Dollars):
Order 1-5: $12.95 each
Order 6+: $8.95 each
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In the beginning our goal was simple. We set out to create the very best and most dynamic First Communion program in the world. As with all of our programs, our first step was to rigorously explore what was working, what wasn’t working, and what experts and volunteers on the front lines thought was needed. Blessed is the result of that research.

ISBN: 978-1-63582-003-4

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