In a World Where You Can Be Anything

by Matthew Kelly
Life feels more fulfilling when you pause each day to think about your hopes and dreams for tomorrow. In A World Where You Can Be Anything... will help you do just that— getting you thinking about who you are, why you’re here, what matters most, and what matters least. Something a little different from Matthew Kelly, this fun little gift book contains page after page of simple snippets of inspiration.
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Also Available as Audiobook
Life feels more fulfilling when you pause each day to think about your hopes and dreams for tomorrow. In A World Where You Can Be Anything... will help you do just that— getting you thinking about who you are, why you’re here, what matters most, and what matters least. Something a little different from Matthew Kelly, this fun little gift book contains page after page of simple snippets of inspiration.
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Matthew Kelly has emerged as one of the great thought leaders of our times. His enormous success as an author, speaker, consultant, and thought-leader are the result of his comprehensive worldview surrounding the concept that we are each here to become the-very-best-version-of-ourselves.

His worldview elevates every aspect of life from relationships to work, parenting and spirituality, to health, finance, and beyond. In fact, there is no aspect for arena of life touch by the human experience that is beyond reach. The idea of becoming the-best-version-of yourself illuminates every situation and decisions of our lives in simple, profound, and disarmingly practical ways.

In this fun little book, Kelly demonstrates how just a few words can change the way we think about ourselves and the way we live our lives. It's a quick read. At times light-hearted, at times serious, but always reaching deep with you and your own experience of self and life, hoping to encourage a bolder, braver, better you to emerge.

What's the book about? It s about you. It's about possibilities. It's about the possibilities that are before you that you are not even aware of yet.

We live in a world of unlimited possibilities, but too often we get caught up in the day-to-day realities of life and the hustle and bustle of the world and lose sight of all that is possible.

Living with great intentionality requires that we step back from time to time and think about life. Thinking about life leads to living a more fulfilling life.

We all have good qualities, we all have qualities we want to eradicate, and we all have qualities we aspire to.

What's your best quality? What are your top ten qualities? What qualities do you aspire to? What qualities do you most admire in other people? What qualities do you look for in a friend? What qualities do you look for in a lover?

In a world where you can be anything... is designed to get you thinking about who you are, who you want to be, and who you are capable of being. I hope it opens new possibilities for you in every area of your life.

As human beings we are continually invited to explore new horizons. Let's not let the hustle and bustle of this world distract us. Let's not get so busy with all the things that will mean nothing to nobody a year or two from now that we lose ourselves.

We are a people of possibility. Most possibilities are unseen and unexplored. It's time to change that. In a world where you can be anything... be...

ISBN: 978-1-63582-092-8

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