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March 15 | Friendship
A.D. 1591–1660
There are lots of ways to measure friendship, but one is particularly insightful. It surrounds how people respond when good things happen for you.
A true friend is happy for you when you are successful, a true friend is happy for you when you fall in love, a true friend is happy for you when you get a promotion, win a car, go on a fabulous vacation, and all the other good things that will happen in your life.
How people respond when good things happen for you says a lot about who they are, their intentions, their motivations in life, and how they care for others.
One friendship in Saint Louise de Marillac’s changed her whole life, because she knew her friend cared for her and selflessly wanted the best for her. That friend was another saint: Vincent de Paul.
After becoming a widow at age thirty-four, Louise committed herself to serving the poor and sick of Paris.
Through these efforts, Louise met Vincent de Paul and their friendship grew from a shared devotion to helping the poor and a mutual respect of each other’s spiritual insights and abilities. Their friendship was rooted in a shared devotion to helping the poor and a mutual respect for each other's spiritual insights and abilities. Vincent became Louise's spiritual director, guiding her through personal trials and nurturing her innate talents for organization and leadership. His attitude toward Louise was simple: He wanted the best for her, and helped her become the-best-version-of-herself.
With Vincent’s help, Saint Louise de Marillac founded the Daughters of Charity, a revolutionary congregation dedicated to serving the sick and poor, as well as organizing hospitals, orphanages, and food distribution programs. She could not have done this by herself, but only with the help of God and the wonderful friend God had placed in her life: Saint Vincent de Paul.
When something wonderful happens in your life, a true friend doesn’t try to one-up you. He or she doesn't envy your success or sabotage your flourishing. A true friend takes delight in your happiness.
Cherish your true friends. God has placed them in your life to help you accomplish great things.
I will rejoice when good things happen to my friends.
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Feast Day: March 15
Feast Day Shared By: Saint Zachary
Patron Saint of: Christian Social Workers, Loss of Parents, People Rejected by Religious Orders, Sick People, and Widows
Canonized: March 11, 1934
Canonized By: Pope Pius XI