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May 15 | Meaningful Work
A.D. 1070–1130
We spend much of our life at work. About 86,400 hours, on average.
That’s a lot of time to spend doing something you find meaningless. And maybe that’s why more and more people are looking for meaningful work. But another approach is to bring meaning to work.
That’s what Saint Isidore the Farmer did.
Born near Madrid, Spain, Isidore spent most of his life laboring as a farmer on the lands of a wealthy landowner. Even in the hardships of his work, Isidore saw each moment as an opportunity to grow closer to God.
Isidore rose early each day to attend Mass, reminding him to bring his faith into his work each day. He prayed throughout his work, and infused his tasks with so much spiritual purpose that legends tell of angels plowing alongside him.
Isidore's approach to work was intertwined with his commitment to charity and community. Despite his poverty, he was generous, regularly sharing his food with the hungry. This generosity was not seen as separate from his work but as an extension of it, demonstrating how labor, when performed with love and faith, can extend beyond personal achievement to benefit the broader community.
Saint Isidore the Farmer's life challenges the modern compartmentalization of work and spirituality, showing that work can be a channel for grace, regardless of its nature. His legacy endures, especially among those who seek to find meaning in their work and to serve God through their daily labors.
Many of us want our companies and organizations to give us perfect personal and professional satisfaction. But this satisfaction is not an entitlement or benefit. Your company cannot give it to you. You must create it for yourself. You are personally responsible for living the best life you can.
So, in the spirit of Saint Isidore the Farmer, let’s prayerfully bring meaning to our work.
Looking for a simple way to start? Offer up each hour of work you do as a prayer for a special intention. Each hour, write down the name of someone you know who is sick, struggling, or in need of help in any way, and offer your labor as a prayer to God for that person.
I will prayerfully bring meaning to my work.
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Patron Saint of: Agricultural Workers, Farmers, Field Hands, Ranchers, Day Laborers, Rain, Livestock, Rural Communities, Against the Death of Children
Also Known As: Isidore the Laborer
Symbols: A Sickle
Feast Day: May 15
Feast Day Shared By: Saint Torquatus and Saint Dymphna
Canonized: March 12, 1622
Canonized By: Pope Gregory XV
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