Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

June 11 | Encouragement (Pt. 2)

Saint Barnabas

1st Century

How often do you need words of encouragement?

Maybe the better question is, “When do I not need words of encouragement?”

If you’re needing some encouragement, you might want to turn to the saint whose name literally means “son of encouragement”: Saint Barnabas. 

We first meet Barnabas in the Book of Acts, when he sells all his property and donates the proceeds to the apostles. We can only imagine what an inspiring act this must have been to all the other early Christians. 

Barnabas played a crucial role in the early church's expansion, notably through his unwavering support for Saul of Tarsus, who would become Paul the Apostle. At a time when Paul was viewed with suspicion and fear due to his past persecution of Christians, Barnabas stood by him, vouching for his conversion and integrating him into the community. This act of faith in Paul's transformation was instrumental in the spread of Christianity, showcasing Barnabas's inherent belief in redemption and the potential within every individual.

Together, Barnabas and Paul embarked on missionary journeys, with Barnabas' encouragement being a cornerstone of their success. His ability to foster unity, resolve conflicts, and inspire faith in others was remarkable. Even when disagreements arose, such as the dispute over John Mark's participation in their missions, Barnabas chose to support and stay with Mark. Barnabas cared deeply about those closest to him and refused to abandon them.

In the end, tradition has it that Saint Barnabas was killed for his faith, and that John Mark buried his body. He left a legacy that encouraged the early Christians for centuries to come, and still encourages us today.

Encouragement is a divine activity. Where did Saint Barnabas learn to be such an amazing encourager? From God himself. We have a Father who sees our potential, a Savior in Jesus who walks alongside us, and the Holy Spirit, who is the Great Encourager who lives within us.

Evil is the great discourager. It’s important to be mindful of this anytime you feel discouraged. Ask yourself, “Where is that coming from?” Because it’s not coming from God. Discouragement is a voice of impossibility. Encouragement is a voice of possibility. 

What do you need encouragement for today?


I will listen to the voice of possibility today.

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Feast Day: June 11

Feast Day Shared By: Saint Restituto, Saint John of St. Facundus, and Saint Paola of Frassinetti

Patron Saint of: Cyprus, Antioch, Against Hailstorms, and Peacekeeping Missions

Symbols: Olive Branch

Canonized: October 16, 1690

Canonized By: Pope Alexander VIII

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