Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

June 30 | Finding Your Mission (Pt. 1)

Venerable Pierre Toussaint

A.D. 1766–1853

What is your mission in life?

Finding our mission is possible only if we are willing to look beyond ourselves. Mission is not driven by our own desire to do something, be something, or have something, though certainly that desire may play a role. It is driven by the needs of others and the needs of the world. Mission is a meeting between self and service.

The Venerable Pierre Toussaint found his mission by going straight to the needs of others.

Pierre was born a slave in Haiti in 1766. His owners, the Berards, brought him to New York, where he became an extremely successful hairdresser even though he was still a slave. He donated his earnings to support his community and the Catholic Church. And when the Berards themselves faced financial ruin, it was Pierre who supported them, showcasing forgiveness and mercy beyond comprehension. 

He eventually gained his freedom, and chose to stay in New York and marry Juliette Toussaint, also a former slave who was now a free Catholic. Together, they transformed their home into a haven for orphans, the sick, and the poor. They were instrumental in raising funds for the first Catholic orphanage in New York and played a significant role in the building of Old Saint Patrick's Cathedral.

The Venerable Pierre Toussaint found his mission through caring for others. His life is a powerful example of how to find your mission, no matter what situation you are placed in.

The search for our mission requires us to serve as we are needed and where we are needed. Mission is driven by need—the needs of others and our need to serve. Often, God’s call to mission comes to us in the needs of others and the needs of our wonderful but wounded world. 

Step toward your mission, and the next step will become illuminated. Begin today. You can start by doing some good thing that you feel motivated to do. Any good thing will do. With each passing day, apply yourself to the task of doing the good things you are capable of and feel called to, and your heart and mind will begin to fill with a renewed joy and passion for life. 

In time, you will begin to see your unique mission beginning to emerge. Embrace it and celebrate it.


I will find my mission by serving the needs of others.

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Patron Saint of: Barbers and Hair Stylists

Feast Day: June 30

Feast Day Shared By: Saints Protomartyrs of the Roman Church

Declared Venerable: 1996

Declared Venerable By: Pope John Paul II

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