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August 15 | The Eucharist (Pt. 3)
A.D. 263–275
If you look around the world, so many of the problems are caused by assigning incorrect value to people, things, and experiences. And so many of our own problems are caused by overvaluing some things and undervaluing others.
Of all the things, people, and experiences that we undervalue, the Eucharist is at the top of the list in all three categories.
Saint Tarcisius might have been only twelve when he died, but he knew the profound value of the Eucharist. He knew it was something to live and die for.
Tarcisius lived in the third century during the Roman Emperor Valerian's fierce persecution of Christians. As a devout young altar server, Tarcisius was entrusted with various sacred duties, including preparing the chapels for Mass and caring for holy vessels. His most significant act of devotion came when he volunteered to carry the Eucharist to imprisoned Christians awaiting execution. During this era of intense persecution, Christians in prison were often denied the Sacraments, which they considered the most painful part of their trials.
On his journey to the prison, Tarcisius encountered a group of pagan boys who, suspecting he was carrying something valuable, demanded to see what he held. Tarcisius refused to reveal the Eucharist, knowing they would degrade it. The boys threatened to harm him if he didn’t give it up. Despite their increasing aggression, Tarcisius held the Eucharist close, determined to protect it with his life.
The boys, angered by his defiance, brutally attacked him. Saint Tarcisius suffered severe injuries but never relinquished the Eucharist. Eventually the boys gave up, and soon after they left, Tarcisius died. Some days later, a Christian priest recovered Tarcisius’s body and the Eucharist, ensuring he received a proper Christian burial.
Saint Tarcisius valued the Eucharist so much he was willing to die for it. And there are countless other saints who did the same.
How much do you value the Eucharist?
If you knew you would die five years from today, what is it that you would make sure you did over the next five years? If today was your last day on this earth, what is it you wish you would have been more dedicated to?
Is the Eucharist on your list? If it is, decide here and now, today, that you will never take this extraordinary gift for granted.
P.S. Don’t know where to begin? We’ve got the perfect book: 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory.
I will treasure the Eucharist.
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Feast Day: August 15 (The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Feast Day Shared By: Blessed Maria of Jesus Crucified and Saint Stanislaus
Patron Saint of: Altar Servers and First Communicants
Symbols: Hiding the Eucharist Under His Cloak