Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

August 28 | You Have a Future

Saint Augustine

A.D. 354–430

"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." This was Oscar Wilde's observation. Wherever you are in your journey, wherever you have been and whatever you have done, the lives of saints such as Augustine remind us that God never gives up on us—even if at times we give up on ourselves or give up on him.

Augustine had given himself over to just about every pleasure and ambition that this world has to offer, but they all left him dissatisfied. His own words sum up his journey and his destination in a single line: "Our hearts are restless Lord, until they rest in you." We all have restless hearts. How often have we fallen into the trap of thinking the things of this world are more important than they are? How often have we mistakenly believed that certain things, pleasures, or experiences would make us happy for longer than they did? We have all made these mistakes, and yet God waits for us, like a patient father.

Throughout the Bible we read powerful stories imbued with relentless invitations to turn back to God. Most of us have not abandoned him altogether, but we have abandoned him in one area of our lives. In what area of your life have you abandoned God? And why? Are you ashamed of that aspect of your life? Or is there something else in your past that is holding you back?

Augustine and so many of the saints are great beacons of hope for ordinary people like you and me. I look at Augustine and draw hope and strength from his story. I think to myself, "If he can turn it all around, surely God will work with me to turn my life around."

Yes, there may have been times in our lives when we tried with all our might to overcome a self-destructive habit and failed. Maybe we weren't ready, our hearts weren't really in it, or it just wasn't time.

Today is a new day, and every moment is a chance to turn it all around. Imagine that moment when Augustine finally surrendered. Weary of the world's broken promises, empty in his heart and in his soul, he finally turned to God. In that moment Augustine turned his whole life around. 

We all have moments like that in our lives—perhaps not as dramatic as Augustine's, but we all have turning points. Do you need one now? This might be the beginning of a new season of grace in your life. I hope it is. I pray it is. And somehow, somewhere, Augustine is hoping and praying for you too.


God will help me build an incredible future.

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Feast Day: August 28 

Patron Saint of: Brewers, Printers, Theologians, Philosophers, and Sore Eyes

Also Known As: The Doctor of Grace

Symbols: A Flaming Heart Pierced by an Arrow

Image of mountain and man reflecting in the water below.

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