Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

September 29 | Ask for Help

Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael


When’s the last time you asked for help?

Throughout the Scriptures we read about God assigning angels to help people make journeys. In our modern world, many people—even people of faith—tend to misunderstand or simply dismiss the role of angels, despite the fact that they are constantly appearing in the Bible. That is a tragedy, because angels are clearly one of God’s favorite ways to send help to the world.

The three Archangels that we celebrate today—Gabriel, Michael and Raphael—all appear in the Bible to aid humanity. And if we are open to the possibility, they are ready and able to help us too.

In the Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel appears to Mary with the amazing news that she will bear God’s son (Luke 1:28; 30-31). You can go to Gabriel when you need help saying yes to God or when you need help communicating an important message to someone. 

We meet the angel Michael in the Book of Daniel, in the Letter of Jude, and in the Book of Revelation. Michael is a mighty protector and a helper. He is a great angel you can call upon for protection from evil. 

The angel Raphael shows up in the book of Tobit as an incredible healer. He heals Tobit, an Israelite man who is blind, and Sarah, a woman who is possessed by a demon. He is an angel you can call upon for healing in your own life—in your relationships, in your soul, in your body. 

The angels all prove something to us: God is aware of exactly what we need and he wants to help us. Whether we need to hear his voice, to be healed, or to be protected, he wants to help us. 

But often we have a hard time asking for help, even from God. Think about it: When was the last time you really asked God for something? Not vaguely, but directly, clearly, and specifically. And not once, but repeatedly. Often we might go to God and say, "Hey God, give me this," but we don’t really have a conversation about it. Have that conversation. Talk to God about why you want what you are asking for, why you think it's good for you, or why you think it's good for somebody else. 

Talk to God. Keep asking him for help. And if you want to pray a specific and powerful prayer: don’t be afraid to ask him to send one of his holy angels to your aid.


I will ask God for help.

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Feast Day: September 29

Feast Day Shared By: Blessed Nicola of Forca Palena

Patron Saint of: (Michael: Grocers, Police Officers, and Banking); (Gabriel: Broadcasters, Communicators, and Postal Workers); (Raphael: The Blind, Travelers, Medical Workers.)

Also Known As: The Archangels

Symbols: (Michael: Grocers, Police Officers, and Banking); (Gabriel: Broadcasters, Communicators, and Postal Workers); (Raphael: The Blind, Travelers, and Medical Workers)

Image of a gold monstrance on a navy blue background with gold specks

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