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October 2 | Transform the World
A.D. 615–679
The mission entrusted to the Catholics of every era is to transform the world where they live, work, and play in.
For Leodegar of Poitiers, this was no small feat. At the time when Leodgar lived, incredible corruption and heresy ran wild. He found himself surrounded by noblemen, kings and even bishops who were failing to live their Christian faith. As Leodegar grew in influence as bishop, he grew bolder in his quest for reform. In the end, he was captured by those who opposed him and beheaded for his efforts to transform the Church in his place and time.
What would you sacrifice to transform the world around you? Every environment we touch should be better because we were there. It is all too easy for us to say that our time is more difficult than some other time. All periods of history have unique challenges. Ours is no different.
The people of every age think that their time and place are special and that their circumstances are extraordinary. They are not. Humanity faces the same challenges in every age. They may come wearing different masks, but they are essentially the same.
There is genius in Catholicism. The human heart yearns for happiness, and God wants us to be happy. But we only experience this happiness, and the fulfillment that accompanies it, when we are changing, growing, becoming more like Jesus Christ and through him becoming the-best-version-of-ourselves.
Catholicism is the dynamic lifestyle and learning system divinely designed to assist us in this transformation. The benefits of this transformation are not confined to the individual. When Catholicism is lived as it is intended to be, it elevates every human activity, every human person, and every human environment that it touches.
In the seventh century, when Leodegar of Poitiers was bishop, it was clear that the Church needed some changes. In 1517, when Martin Luther began the Reformation, there was no doubt that the Catholic Church was in need of reform. Today the Church is in need of reform again. Imagine if this reform could be the result of the flourishing caused when we embrace the ancient tradition we call Catholicism in a dynamic way, becoming the-best-version-of-ourselves, helping others to do the same, and bringing unity to all Christians.
I will do my part to transform the world!
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Feast Day: October 2
Patron Saint of: Millers, Invoked Against Blindness, Eye Disease, Eye Problems, and Sore Eyes
Symbols: A Gimlet Tool