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October 10 | Into Eternity
A.D. 1510–1572
How much time did you waste yesterday?
The truth is, we all get just one short life. And we all waste some of it. How much are you wasting?
When Francis Borgia realized just how short life is, it inspired him to make a radical change.
Francis came from one of the most famous, powerful, and wealthiest families in all of Italy—the Borgia family. He grew up surrounded by nobility and money and was greatly influenced by this. But one day, his comfortable life was turned upside down.
Francis was tasked with accompanying Queen Isabella’s body to her burial. As was the custom in those days, he had to open the casket to make sure the body was the correct one. And even though the queen had only died a few days before, she was already beginning to decay. The smell and ugliness of death left a deep impression on Francis, and he had a life-changing realization: no matter who you are in this life, it will end in death. The only life that matters is the next.
Although Francis was married by this time, with eight children, he began studying the faith and philosophy. Shortly after, Francis’ wife died, and he surprised his entire family by renouncing his noble title as duke and joining the Jesuits. He then spent the remainder of his life in prayer, penance, and serving others.
But his incredible life of impact all started when he came face to face with the reality of death.
Any minute now, we will all be dead. It’s a bit morbid. But death provides context for life, and those who reflect on death for even just sixty seconds each day are significantly less likely to waste their lives.
The brutal truth is that we have all invented our own intricately personalized ways to waste portions of our one short life. Life is short. You are dead for an awfully long time. In that context, what is truly important?
Think of it this way. What can you take with you from this life to the next? Reflect on your day yesterday. Of everything you did yesterday, what would you feel comfortable bringing with you to the next life and laying at the feet of God as an offering.
Do something today that you can take with you into eternity.
I will not waste my one, short life!
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Feast Day: October 10
Feast Day Shared By: Saint Paulinus and Saints Daniel and Samuel
Patron Saint of: Portugal and Against Earthquakes
Symbols: Skull Crowned With an Emperor's Diadem
Canonized: June 20, 1670
Canonized By: Pope Clement X