Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

October 30 | Healing Division

Saint Germanus of Capua

A.D. 470–541

We live in troubled times. America is more divided now than at any time since the Civil War. 50 million Catholics have left the Church in the past 30 years. The world has seemingly run out of solutions. 

But God hasn’t. Over and over throughout history, when there is division and things seem bleak, God collaborates with ordinary men and women who make themselves available to him. And those ordinary men and women make all the difference. 

Hundreds of years ago, the Church was even more divided than we could imagine today. The entire Church split between East and West for 35 years...and it seemed like there would be no solution. 

But God found one man who was available and eager to collaborate with him. His name was Germanus of Capua.

Germaunus was a bishop on a mission: he wanted to bring unity to the Church. Although others had been unsuccessful, Germanus was a man of possibility. He was tasked by the Pope to lead a special delegation to negotiate with the Eastern Church. He ended up playing a major role in the end of the Acacian schism, the first major schism in Church history. 

Every faith community throughout all history has problems and issues. Every Catholic diocese and parish in the world has difficulties. In some places, these problems drain communities of energy and enthusiasm, causing division and resentment. In other places, the same problems have given birth to renewed energy and enthusiasm, and indeed have become the source of increased unity.

We’re all called to bring unity and heal division in the Church, in our families, and our own lives. How can we heal division in these places? By becoming agents of unity. 

How are you an agent of unity in this world? It begins with the unity of our own life. Are we living an integrated life? Are we living a life of unity? Are we striving constantly to align our words, our actions, our values with the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus Christ? Because if we are not striving for unity within, we will not bring unity anywhere we go.

Strive to always be an agent of unity in your life. You’ll be amazed at what God does. You’ll be inspired by the healing you see happening all around you.


I will be an agent of unity in the world.

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Feast Day: October 30 

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