Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

November 7 | Focus or Distraction?

Saint Willibrord

A.D. 658–739

Are you living a life of focus or distraction? 

The world is constantly trying to take us off course, to distract us from what God is calling us to do. The only question is: Will you let it? 

The saints dealt with distractions too. Take Saint Willibrord, for example. He didn’t just deal with the normal distractions of daily life . . . he also dealt with the distractions of a corrupt government trying to shut down Christianity. 

But despite these distractions, Willibroard remained focused on his mission. What was his mission? Bring people to the faith and help them turn away from false gods. He built places of worship, preached, and taught people about the Gospel. But he wasn’t always well received. At one point, King Radbod took over the region and exiled Willibrord . . . even erecting altars to false gods in the churches that Willibrord had opened. But resistance didn’t stop Willibrord from his mission. When the ruler died, Willebrord dismantled the altars to the false gods and became even more dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus. He never let the distractions of the world overtake his mission. 

What about you?

Are you living a life of focus or distraction? What distractions have taken your life off course? What distractions are trying to lure you away from God? Do you believe a life of focus would be more fulfilling than a life of distraction? 

No matter what things or people or ideas are getting to you, it’s time to move from distraction to focus. Living a less distracted life is the path to peace and happiness. But it is not enough to simply say we will ignore the siren call of the myriad distractions that stalk us day and night. The life of focus we yearn for requires discipline and clarity of purpose. How do you need to grow in discipline? Are you clear about your purpose?

Distractions can be alluring and seductive. They can be entertaining for a time, but a life that bounds from one distraction to another will inevitably become an empty and meaningless life. This tragedy is all too common. Don’t let that be your story!


I will identify my distractions and focus on my mission.

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Feast Day: November 7 

Feast Day Shared By: Saint Prosdocimus

Patron Saint of: Epilepsy and Epileptics

Symbols: A Staff

Also Known As: The Apostle to the Frisians

Image of a gold monstrance on a navy blue background with gold specks

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