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November 30 | Carry Your Cross
First Century
Suffering is one of the central mysteries of the human experience. No matter what suffering you are facing today, Jesus sees you and he offers you a powerful invitation.
We’ve said it before on this journey with the saints, but it’s worth saying again: Suffering is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to be meaningless. Like so many things in life that we have little or no control over, how we respond to suffering makes all the difference.
Andrew the Apostle learned about the meaning of suffering by seeing how Jesus suffered. Andrew was the first disciple that followed Jesus. He became great friends with Jesus, he watched Jesus perform countless miracles, and he no doubt experienced incredible sadness and grief when Jesus died on the Cross. After Jesus’ resurrection, Andrew traveled across many countries, spreading the good news of the faith.
Eventually, Andrew was faced with death, but he knew his suffering was valuable. In fact, he was excited to be able to imitate Jesus in his death. As soon as Andrew saw the cross on which he would be crucified, he cried out, “O most beautiful cross that was glorified by carrying the body of Christ! Glorious cross, sweetly desired, ardently loved, always sought, and finally prepared for my heart that has so long awaited you. Take me, o cross! Embrace me. Release me from my life among men. Bring me quickly and diligently to the Master. Through you He will receive me, He, Who through you has saved me.” Andrew wanted to follow Jesus in every way…even in suffering.
Are you willing to be like Jesus in your suffering, too?
For hundreds of years Christians have whispered to each other, “Offer it up!” The Scriptures encourage us to offer everything that happens in our day—the joys and suffering—to God as a prayer. Suffering is a powerful prayer. Once we come to this realization and begin to surrender to the inevitable suffering of life, offering it to God as a prayer—for ourselves, for our friends and family, for the world—we become filled with a deep and abiding peace.
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus offers a difficult, but powerful invitation to us all: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23).
The mandate is clear. What cross is Jesus inviting you to take up and carry today? Whatever it is, the risen Christ wants to help you carry it. You are not alone.
Today I will pick up my cross. Today I will follow Jesus.
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Feast Day: November 30
Feast Day Shared By: Blessed John of Vercelli, Saint Castulus of Rome, Blessed Everard of Stahleck, Saint Joseph Marchand, and Saint Thaddeus Liu Ruiting
Patron Saint of: Fishermen, Rope-Makers, Textile Workers, Singers, Miners, Pregnant Women, Butchers, Farm Workers, Sore Throats, Convulsions, Fever, and Whooping Cough
Symbols: X-Shaped Cross (The Saltire)
Also Known As: Andrew the Apostle