Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

December 19 | The Power of the Cross

Saint Anastasius

A.D. (Unknown)–401

Has the Cross changed your life? 

You might wear a cross around your neck. You might have a crucifix hanging in your home. You might have a favorite piece of artwork or a stained glass window at your parish with an image of the Cross. But have you ever really let the Cross change your life?

If you asked Anastasius these same questions, he would have a real story to tell. Anastasius was a soldier in the army of Khosrow II, ruler of the ancient Sanasian empire (located in modern day Iran). He was one of the soldiers responsible for capturing the True Cross (the real wood that Jesus was crucified on) and bringing it to the capital city of Ctesiphon.

Anastasius didn’t know much about Jesus or the Crucifixion, but being around the True Cross inspired him to learn more. He began to explore Christianity and asked countless questions about the faith. He was so amazed by the story of Jesus that he left the army, was baptized, and became a monk! But his story doesn’t end there. After many years as a monk, Anastasius was captured, tortured, strangled, and decapitated because he wouldn’t renounce his faith in Jesus. Nothing would stand in the way of his love for God. That’s the power of the Cross. 

We might not ever see the True Cross in real life (although some churches do have remnants as a relic!). But we all do meet the Cross in our own lives. In fact, Jesus says, "Whoever does not carry his own cross cannot be my disciple."

Are you carrying your cross, or are you dragging it along? Are you asking someone else to bear it for you? Are you always looking for ways to take a break from carrying your cross? Do you complain about your cross? Do you think other people have easier crosses to bear?

The hardest cross to carry is the one you do not recognize as a cross and name as your cross. So whatever cross you are carrying at this time in your life, claim it as your own, name it as your own cross, and talk to Jesus today about what it is like to be carrying that cross. This conversation about your cross will change your life.


I will embrace the power of the Cross in my life!

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Feast Day: December 19

Feast Day Shared By: Blessed Urban V

Also Known As: Pope Anastasius I

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