Matthew Kelly’s Newest Book!

It’s time to slow down to the speed of joy.


This book challenged me to start treating time like the gift that it is. It's perfect for anyone who feels overwhelmed.



The advice in these pages is simple yet remarkably profound. It will inspire you to focus on what matters most.



This book challenged me to start treating time like the gift that it is. It's perfect for anyone who feels overwhelmed.


Matthew Kelly’s Newest Book!

The Simple Art of Taking Back Your Life

Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy

Shipping Begins 11/11/24

Checkmark IconPrevent Stress & Anxiety

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It’s time to take back your life.

The speed and busyness of our lives stand in direct opposition to what we say matters most. It’s time for a new strategy. It’s time to embrace the speed of joy.

Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy isn’t just a book. It’s a way of life. It will quite simply and in every way imaginable change your life.


Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy

Busy is not your friend.

Only a toxic friend leaves you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, discouraged, exhausted, stressed, inadequate, and resentful. It’s time to take our lives back from this tyrant.

Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy is a deeply personal book. By revealing his own vulnerabilities, Matthew Kelly provides us with the practical insights and timeless wisdom necessary to banish busy and urgent from our own lives.

10 Things This Book Will Teach You

Learn how to…

  1. Increase your personal and professional satisfaction
  2. Prevent stress, anxiety, and burnout
  3. Enhance your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues
  4. Increase your flexibility and adaptability
  5. Be calm in a crisis
  6. Gain the clarity you need to make better decisions
  7. Increase your creativity
  8. Expand your capacity to love and be loved
  9. Find true rest
  10. And most importantly, how to slow down to the speed of joy

…and much more.

Photo of happy woman smiling and drinking coffee in her warm home
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Joy erupts within us when we allow an experience to touch the very depths of our souls. That cannot be rushed. It’s time to slow down to the speed of joy.

—Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy

Photo of the author, Matthew Kelly

A Note From the Author

There are people who say they have no regrets. I’m not one of them. If I could go back and live my life all over again there are things I would change. One thing I would change is the speed at which I have lived my life. I would slow my life down, and not just a little.

For five years I have been awkwardly attempting to live my life at the speed of joy. I’m sure my fumbling and stumbling looks like a giant trying to ride a tricycle. But the fruits are undeniable and the lessons monumental. It is time to move beyond the joyless urgency of our times. Will you join me?

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