Turning Point Workbook
The Turning Point is a nine-session Bible study experience that’s perfect for people who want to get to know Jesus in the Scriptures but don’t know where to start.
This study will introduce you to people and stories in the Gospel of John that you won’t find anywhere else in the Bible: the woman at the well; a man named Nicodemus; the woman caught in adultery; and Lazarus, the friend Jesus raised from the dead. You’ll read stories about Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, and Peter’s marvelous redemption after he denies Jesus three times.
The people in these stories were transformed by their encounters with Jesus. By entering into their miraculous stories, you will encounter Jesus in a personal way and develop a deeper relationship with him that will transform your everyday life.
The Turning Point Workbook
This is so much more than a workbook. It is a door to a dynamic relationship with Jesus. With thought-provoking reflection questions, follow-along video responses, key Bible verses, and more, this book will invite you to deepen your faith and grow alongside the people Jesus meets in the Gospel of John.
The Turning Point DVD Set
You won't be dozing off during these engaging videos. Each of the nine sessions is broken up into 3–4 short sections guided by Dr. Allen Hunt, helping you experience the stories in the Gospel of John from a fresh perspective.
The Gospel According to John
Created exclusively for The Turning Point, this edition of the Gospel of John reads like an engaging novel. It does away with the two-column format and distracting notes in the margins, making it easy for you to encounter Jesus through John the apostle’s unique perspective as one of Jesus’ closest friends.
The #1 Reason I Love Being Catholic (CD)
In this 50-minute talk, Dr. Allen Hunt, author of The Turning Point and a former Evangelical pastor, shares how he discovered the hidden treasures of the Catholic Church and converted to Catholicism.
ISBN: 978-1-929266-62-3