Catholic Litanies

Prayer is an integral part of spiritual health. How spiritually healthy are you today? It’s time to integrate a daily routine of prayer into your life.

Catholic Priest raising his hands over the Bible

What is a Litany?

A litany is a prayer where you repeat a series of petitions, usually to a specific saint. You can say a litany on your own or with a group.

How to Pray a Litany:

During a litany, you’ll notice a lot of repetition, so it’s best if you say the prayer slowly so you can really pay attention throughout. Take it line by line and allow yourself to meditate on what it is you are asking for God’s assistance with.
Sometimes litanies, like the Litany of the Saints, are prayed during the Mass. Someone will lead with the petition and the group will respond with “pray for us” or a similar phrase.

The Litany of the Saints

The Litany of the Saints is a sacred prayer to God and many of the most famous saints including Mary, John the Baptist, Joseph, Peter, Paul, and many, many others. You’re most likely to hear this litany at the Easter Vigil Mass and the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

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The Litany of Loreto

The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Litany of Loreto, is a popular litany you can say to Mary. It’s a great way to express love and respect for Mary, and it highlights her role as the Mother of God, her virtues, and her intercessory power.
You can say the The Litany of Loreto at the end of the Rosary, and it’s often used during Marian processions, May devotions, and other special Feast Days honoring the Mother of God!

The Litany of St. Joseph

When you pray The Litany of St. Joseph, you pray in a special way to St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus and the husband of Mary, the Mother of God. This prayer asks St. Joseph for his protection, guidance, and assistance.
There are two feast days for St. Joseph, March 19 on the Feast Day of St. Joseph, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and on May 1st on the Feast Day of St. Joseph the Worker. He is also honored on December 28, the Feast Day of the Holy Family. These are great days to pray a litany to St. Joseph!


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