Welcome, Lovers of Wisdom. Christmas is amazing. Ready, set, go.
Most of us need to have a difficult conversation with someone that we have been avoiding. What is that conversation for you? Who do you need to have it with? Don't carry that burden with you into Christmas and the New Year. The time to have that conversation is now. Welcome back to Best Christmas Ever, where we are exploring 28 ways to make this your best Christmas ever. Number 13 is have that difficult conversation. How long have you been avoiding it for? How much stress, worry, and anxiety has it brought to your life? When should you have had that conversation? Is there a valid reason to put it off further?
And perhaps most importantly, how will you feel once you have this difficult but necessary conversation? You have three options. Number one, continue to avoid the conversation and suffer the consequences. Number two, have the conversation in a clumsy and unintentional way and suffer the consequences? Or number three, improve all the relationships in your life by learning how to have difficult conversations. If option number three is calling for you, the first step is to get clear about what you hope the conversation will accomplish. Do you simply need to be heard? Or is there an outcome you desire? This clarity will drive intentionality. It will also help you keep the conversation to its appropriate length.
When difficult conversations are too long or too short, they tend to fail. The second step is to schedule the conversation at the right time and the right place. The wrong time is when you are tired and distracted. The right place is where you can have a conversation without distractions and interruptions. Have the difficult conversation you have been putting off before Christmas. It will help you have your best Christmas ever.
Are you excited for your best Christmas ever? I know I am. But before you go, let's talk about how to avoid your worst Christmas ever.
It's not easy to have a great Christmas in a world where everyone is striving for what isn't worth having. Welcome back to 28 obstacles that will prevent you from having your best Christmas ever. Obstacle number 13 is not asking for help. The people around you cannot read your mind. Let them know you need help and most people will help if they're able to. Pretending you have it all handled when it is making you stressed and anxious isn't good for you, and it robs other people of the joy that comes from helping. Not asking for help is an obstacle to having a fabulous Christmas. So this Christmas, get really good at asking for help.
But remember, find your joy, guard your joy, follow your joy, not just happiness. It seems our culture has confused happiness with comfort. And following comfort will lead you to misery. Find your joy, cherish your joy, guard your joy, and follow your joy. [music]
Busy is not your friend. Only a toxic friend leaves you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, discouraged, exhausted, stressed out, inadequate, and resentful. It's time to take our lives back from this time we call busy. It's time to slow down to the speed of joy. Click the button below to join the Ambassadors Club today, and we will send you a free copy of my new book, Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy.
Have a great day.