Welcome, Lovers of Wisdom. Christmas is glorious. Ready, set, go!
Beware of what you become in pursuit of what you want. Lance Armstrong, Bernie Madoff, Barry Barnes, Al Capone, Judas, they stopped paying attention to who they were becoming. Who are you becoming? Are you paying attention? Welcome back to Best Christmas Ever, where we are exploring 28 ways to make this your best Christmas. Number 18, pay attention to what is happening inside you and who you are becoming. What do you want? Do you know? Are you clear? Are you focused? Are you obsessed? Beware of what you become in pursuit of what you want. These are the words of Jim Rohn. I remember the first time I heard this quote and how powerfully it struck me.
We want what we want because we believe it will make us happy. But if we become someone we don't like in the process of getting what we want, all success and accomplishment is empty. There is no point becoming successful if you don't like who you are once you reach your goal. Lance Armstrong and Barry Bonds got the accolades. What did they like who they became in pursuit of what they wanted? Bernie Madoff got all the money, but did he like who he became? Pablo Escobar and Al Capone had all the power, but did they like who they became in order to get there and stay there? Success, fame, money, accomplishments, possessions, power. These are all tiny external realities compared to the enormity of not liking the person you became in order to get them.
Too many people achieve what they thought would make them happy, only to discover they are unhappy with themselves. And nothing external can cure internal unhappiness. Beware. Such a powerful word. It means to be on one's guard. We are on guard and wary of the things other people can do to us, but often it is the things we do to ourselves that cause the most harm. Beware anything and anyone that entices you to compromise your virtue and values. It always begins with something small. Beware of situations that require heroic virtue to avoid common vice. Best not to test yourself in these ways.
Beware of opportunities that cost more than money. Beware of pretending to be someone you are not. Beware of your own envy and covetousness. Do you like who you have become? Do you like the person you are becoming? Are you setting off on an adventure to accomplish something great? Beware of what you become and be sure of what you want. Take time each day to check-in.
Pay attention to what is happening inside you and who you are becoming.
Are you feeling inspired? That's great, but we're not done yet.
It's not easy to have a great Christmas in a world where everyone is striving for what isn't worth having. Welcome back to 28 obstacles that will prevent you from having your best Christmas ever. Obstacle number 18 is distractions. What matters most should never be at the mercy of what matters least. But we live in a world of constant distraction. Unless you make a vigilant effort to stay focused on what matters most this Christmas, you will almost certainly get distracted. How are you going to stay focused this Christmas? The ability to focus is one of your superpowers.
What you choose to focus on has an enormous impact on your life and allowing others to determine what you focus on is dangerous. But remember, find your joy, guard your joy, follow your joy, not just happiness. It seems our culture has confused happiness with comfort. And following comfort will lead you to misery. Find your joy. Cherish your joy. Guard your joy and follow your joy.
What if I told you there was one thing that would absolutely and completely fill your life with joy? What if I told you there was one thing that would prevent stress, anxiety, and burnout, that would transform your relationships, that would eliminate busy from your life, that would give you clarity, expand your capacity to love and be loved? Just one thing. It's time to discover that one thing. It's time to slow down to the speed of joy. Right now, when you become a Dynamic Catholic Ambassador, we will send you a free copy of Slowing Down To The Speed Of Joy. So click the button below and join today.
Have a great day.