Welcome, Lovers of Wisdom. Christmas is Wonderful. Ready, Set, Go.
God created you to flourish. Are you flourishing this year? As you look to Christmas, are you confident that what you have planned is going to help you and those you love to flourish? If not, it is time to adjust the plan. It is time for some fun, healthy, serious, light-hearted, profound, and bold routines, rituals, and traditions. Routines, rituals, and traditions play a powerful role in human flourishing. They can be as silly as Christmas pajamas, and as profound as Sunday mass. The Kelley children love their Christmas pajamas, so I thought I would share some Christmas pajama memories with you as we get into today's teaching.
Welcome back to Best Christmas Ever, where we are exploring 28 ways to make this Christmas amazing for you, your loved ones, and strangers who cross your path. Number 24 is Routines, Rituals, and Traditions. As you can see, the Kelley children love their pajamas. Their Christmas pajamas. It's a fun tradition. Does it have deep and profound meaning? Yes and no. On the surface, it may seem like a silly, materialistic tradition. But it is so much more than that. As we journey towards Christmas, this season of Advent is a wonderful time to establish or reestablish some routines, rituals, and traditions. Make them healthy, make them bold, and make them playful. Now, not every routine, ritual, and tradition can be all three. Christmas pajamas can be fun and playful, midnight mass can be bold and profound. Taking a walk each day and praying for your family and friends as you walk can be bold, healthy, and playful. Keep in mind that anything spiritual in the current cultural environment is bold. And boldness is good for the human spirit. Boldness stirs our souls. And lets us know that our soul still has the vitality necessary to stand up for what is good, right, just, and noble this Christmas will change your life forever if you establish a new routine. What is the one thing you could do each day that would change everything for you? Why aren't you doing it? Ask God for the grace this Christmas to establish that as a routine in your life.
Are you feeling inspired? That's great, but we're not done yet.
It's not easy to have a great Christmas in a world where everyone is striving for what isn't worth having. Welcome back to 28 obstacles that will prevent you from having your best Christmas ever. Obstacle number 24 is living for the wrong audience. Trying to please the wrong audience will certainly prevent you from having your best Christmas ever. We should live our lives for an audience of one and let the rest of the chips fall where they may. The world will tell you that your audience of one is yourself, but they are wrong. And that path doesn't lead to joy and fulfillment. The audience of one is God. If the only person you were trying to please this Christmas was God, how would this Christmas be different to every other Christmas? Place God at the center of your decisions, at the center of your days, at the center of your Christmas, and have your best Christmas ever. But remember, find your joy, guard your joy, follow your joy, not just happiness. It seems our culture has confused happiness with comfort. And following comfort will lead you to misery. Find your joy, cherish your joy, guard your joy, and follow your joy.
What if I told you there was one thing that would absolutely and completely fill your life with joy? What if I told you there was one thing that would prevent stress, anxiety, and burnout, that would transform your relationships, that would eliminate busy from your life, that would give you clarity, expand your capacity to love and be loved? Just one thing. It's time to discover that one thing. It's time to slow down to the speed of joy. Right now, when you become a Dynamic Catholic Ambassador, we will send you a free copy of Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy. So click the button below and join today.
Have a great day.