Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

June 23 | Prayer

Saint Etheldreda

A.D. 636–679

Nothing will change your life so completely, absolutely and forever like really learning to pray.

On June 5, we outlined the four signs that define and unite every Dynamic Catholic. Those four signs are: Prayer, Study, Generosity, and Evangelization. 

Prayer is first for a reason. Today, let’s look at a shining example of Prayer: Saint Etheldreda.

Etheldreda was forced into two arranged marriages to increase her family’s power. The first made her an English princess and the second made her Queen. But Etheldreda wasn’t interested in power—she was interested in a life of prayer. In both marriages she chose to maintain her virginity, meaning she bore no children, and which eventually led her husbands to get rid of her.

With her newfound freedom, Etheldreda founded a monastery in the English countryside.

At Ely Monastery, she set the prayer routine of all the nuns who joined. They prayed, they worked. They prayed, they slept. Then they repeated it all tomorrow. Prayer was the cornerstone of their community life. The monastery stood for nearly a thousand years as a place of prayer and connection with God.

Saint Etheldreda had an unwavering commitment to daily prayer. So do Dynamic Catholics.

God is not a distant force to Dynamic Catholics, but rather a personal friend and adviser. They are trying to listen to the voice of God in their lives, and believe doing God's will is the only path that leads to lasting happiness in this changing world (and beyond).

They also have a daily commitment to prayer, a routine. Prayer is a priority for them. Many of them pray at the same time every day. Some start by simply talking to God about their day. Others begin their prayer by reading from the Bible. Still others have a favorite devotional book that they begin with. When they arrive at the time and place in their day for prayer, they have a plan; it is not left to chance or mood. They have a habit of prayer, which they cling to with great discipline.

This daily habit of prayer is the result of real spiritual work. But it’s the one habit that changes everything. Are you willing to put in the work to develop a consistent prayer routine?


I will develop a daily habit of prayer.

This reflection is brought to you from book title.

Patron Saint of: Throat Complaints

Also Known As: Æthelthryth

Feast Day: June 23

Feast Day Shared By: Saint Joseph Cafasso

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