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August 20 | In Search of Excellence
A.D. 1090–1153
We all need heroes; without them we wither and perish.
Too often, we set the saints aside, saying, "I'm not like them." We put them on a pedestal and claim we are doing so out of respect. But are we? Is it possible that we elevate them on those pedestals so we can pretend that they are different, a special class of human beings, a super race, so that we don't have to strive to be saints ourselves?
Saints are lovers of excellence. They are constantly learning more about God, humanity, the Church, Jesus' vision, and the spiritual practices that help them to become the-very-best-version-of-themselves.
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) is one such example. Saint Bernard was driven and strong-willed, a charismatic leader who was supremely eloquent, and the most admired priest of his time.
Bernard was a French monk of the Cistercian order. The original emphasis of the Cistercian life was holiness through manual labor and self-sufficiency. The Cistercian order was begun by a group of monks who felt that the Benedictines had strayed too far from The Rule of Saint Benedict and who wanted to follow the rule more closely. Less than twenty years later the Cistercians were themselves in need of reform. This reform was led by Bernard.
Everything and everyone needs reform from time to time. To reform something means to make changes to it in order to improve it. I need reforming; I know that. I need to be reformed again and again. We are told we are created in the image of God, but when I slow down to reflect I discover that I am constantly deforming myself into the image of something else. Over and over again, I find myself saying, doing, and thinking things that don't help me become the-best-version-of-myself.
Yes, we all need reform, or change for the better. Anyone can change stuff. But change for the sake of change is insanity, and not all change is progress. Change for the better is never easy, but it's always worth it.
Do you need reform? What part of your life most needs it?
From time to time, everything and everyone needs a good reformation. How's your marriage? How are your personal finances? How is your physical fitness? How's your spiritual health? How is your work/career? Family life?
Whatever you sense needs reforming in your life, God yearns to collaborate with you in that reformation. Do not be afraid. Be bold. Live boldly even if you are surrounded by cowards and critics.
I will reform my life.
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Feast Day: August 20
Feast Day Shared By: Saint Samuel and Saint Mary de Mattias
Patron Saint of: Candlemakers and Beekeepers
Also Known As: Doctor Mellifluus
Symbols: A Beehive
Canonized: January 18, 1174
Canonized By: Pope Alexander III