Today’s Saint

Daily Journey with the Saints

October 21 | Preach the Good News

Saint Gaspar del Bufalo

A.D. 1786–1837

When you have good news, who is the first person you share it with?

The word Gospel means “Good News.” As Christians, we each have access to the greatest news in the history of the world. But the sad truth is, most of us are hesitant to share it. Which is a shame because when we share the good news of the Gospel, it has the power to change lives.

Just ask Gaspar del Bufalo, an Italian priest who dedicated his life to the faith. Gaspar did many impressive things. He went to seminary at 12 years old and was ordained at 24. When Napoleon Bonaparte tried to take over Italy, and demanded that all clergy take an oath of loyalty, Gaspar refused. He went to prison as a result for four years . . . and never lost his faith. He founded an incredible religious order—the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. When there was a deadly cholera outbreak, he cared for the sick. 

But nothing was more impressive than his preaching about Jesus. He didn’t just encourage or educate people. He inspired them to turn their entire lives around. Listen to this: 

On one occasion, Gaspar gave a sermon . . . and afterwards, so many people wanted to go to confession that 50 priests weren’t enough to handle the demand. 

On another occasion, Gaspar was stopped on the road by highway burglars. Although he had no money for them, he preached to them about Jesus. The next day, an enormous group of burglars showed up and laid their weapons at his feet. 

Talking about Jesus isn’t easy. When it comes to evangelization it seems that every Catholic’s favorite quote is from Francis of Assisi: “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.” 

There are two things to consider here. First, he did say to preach the Gospel at all times. Second, he didn’t say never to use words. The quote is used too often as an excuse not to preach the Gospel, and especially not to actively evangelize.

Evangelization is to the Church what breathing is to a person. If we stop doing it for long enough, we will die. The Church has been on life support in this area for decades now. And the

truth is, it is our mission to evangelize. We exist to evangelize. It is our very existence. 

So, how can you start? Pick one person in your life and just do one thing this week to share the faith with them. Have a conversation, share a book, send a video. You’ll be amazed at what’s possible when we do our little bit to share the good news of the Gospel.


I am called to preach the Gospel!

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Feast Day: October 21

Feast Day Shared By: Saint Gaspare of the Bufalo and Saint Hilarion

Also Known As: The Founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood

Symbols: Priest's Cassock

Canonized: June 12, 1954

Canonized By: Pope Pius XII

Image of a gold monstrance on a navy blue background with gold specks

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