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November 11 | Check Your Heart
A.D. (Unknown)–397
When’s the last time you had a heart check-up?
Sometimes we get into situations where we let our relationships, our work, or whatever struggles we face harden our hearts and make us turn in on ourselves. But amazing things can happen when we take care of our hearts and make room for God to work in us.
One saint in particular is still world-famous for his kind and merciful heart—Martin of Tours. Martin was a soldier of the Roman cavalry and often had to travel long distances to get from one city to the next. On one particular trip, Martin came across a man who was begging in the freezing cold. Without a second thought, Martin cut his own cloak in half and gave the other half to the beggar. But this is where the story gets interesting. That night, Martin fell asleep and had an incredible dream: Jesus appeared, wearing the half cloak. And then Jesus introduced Martin to some angels, saying: “Martin, who is still but a catechumen, clothed me with this robe." After this dream, Martin left the military service, became a great bishop, and is still remembered as one of the greatest saints in history.
Martin of Tours is legendary. He is recognized as an icon of goodness and mercy. But it’s important to understand that his character was predisposed to that action. His soul had been prepared with hundreds of choices and decisions before that day where he gave his cloak to the poor man. His heart was gently inclined toward the needs of others.
Is your heart inclined toward the needs of others? Or is it leaning away from others?
We all harden our hearts at different times. Sometimes we do it to protect ourselves in certain situations or relationships. But hardness of heart is not the disposition of a Christian. Hardness of heart is not what God is inviting us to.
So maybe take a moment to think about your life. Is there an area where your heart has become hardened? Is there a particular relationship where God is calling you, inviting you, challenging you, or encouraging you to soften your heart towards that situation or person?
Check your heart today, and let the story of Martin of Tours inspire you to open your heart like never before.
I will see Jesus in every person and situation I encounter!
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Feast Day: November 11
Feast Day Shared By: Saint Bartholomew
Patron Saint of: The Poor, Soldiers, Conscientious Objectors, Tailors, And Winemakers
Symbols: A Goose, and Cutting a Cloak on Horseback
Also Known As: Martin the Merciful