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December 20 | Your Two Paths
A.D. (Unknown)–324
Two paths diverge in every person’s life, but it isn’t one epic moment of decision like many readers of Robert Frost’s poem would like to believe. It’s a hundred decisions everyday—what to think, what to say, what to do, who to listen to, who to ignore.
With each choice we make, we are ultimately choosing to live from the inside-out, or we are choosing to live from the outside-in.
Saint Philogonius chose to live from the inside out, even when life did not turn out the way he expected. As a younger man, Philogonius married his beautiful wife and thought he would spend the rest of his life with her, raising a wonderful family. But then his wife passed away. After her death, Philogonius dedicated himself to raising his daughter. Once she had grown up, Philogonius had another path open up to him: would he remain in the world, or would he leave the world behind and live for God in a monastery? Philogonius chose to become a monk, then a priest, then a bishop! He spent the rest of his life defending the Church from heresies and spreading the faith wherever he went.
Philogonius faced many choices—to get married, to be a single father, to become a monk, to serve the Church. Behind each of these choices was a larger decision: would he live from the inside-out or from the outside-in?
The first path—living from the inside-out—leads to inner peace, a strong sense of self based on internal validation, a life of substance, authenticity, an integrated life, continuous growth, clear direction, and a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
The other path—living from the outside-in—leads to restlessness, deep personal insecurities based on an unhealthy need for external validation, a superficial life of pretending, wasted potential, a life that lacks direction ruled by distraction and the next shiny thing, a gut-wrenching sense that you are wasting your life, and a profound sense of inadequacy.
There are two paths, and we each get to choose. Not once, but dozens of times every day. Some of you may be thinking you are too far gone down the second path already. You may be depressed or headed toward despair upon discovering that. Don’t do that. Our God is a God of second chances. He is a God of new beginnings. He is a God who believes so deeply in redemption that he sent his only Son to die on a cross for you. Pick yourself up. Change paths. Now. Let your first step be a short prayer asking for a second, third, and fifty-seventh chance. A sincere prayer asking for a new beginning.
I will live from the inside-out!
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Feast Day: December 20
Feast Day Shared By: Saint Dominic of Silos, Blessed Vincent Romano, and Blessed Michal Piaszczynski
Patron Saint of: Lawyers