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September 14 | Stewardship
A.D. 1265–1313
Are you a good steward of the treasure God has entrusted to you?
Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. God appoints us in stewardship while the world touts ownership. The world encourages entitlement when in reality everything is a gift from God.
Saint Notburga wasn’t wealthy, but she was a fabulous steward. Her story is proof that you don’t need money or material possessions to live a life of staggering generosity.
Notburga was an Austrian peasant girl who served Count Henry and his mistress Ottilia as a cook. She would carry the leftover food from meals to the poor, but when Ottilia found out, she ordered Notburga to give the excess food to the pigs. So instead, Notburga would save most of her own meals to bring to the poor. When this came to Otillia’s attention, she dismissed Notburga from her role.
Even after Notburga lost her room, board, and income, she remained committed to sharing whatever she had with others. And when that meant returning to serve the woman who had fired her in her hour of need, Notburga didn’t hesitate.
The Countess fell dangerously ill, and Notburga risked her own health to nurse her back to health, receiving no pay. She eventually found work with a farmer who paid her little for her long, grueling hours. Her precious spare time was spent at church, worshiping God. When the Count begged her to return as a cook, she accepted on the condition that she be allowed to feed the hungry, and spent the rest of her life consistently helping the poor.
Surrounded by riches, St. Notburga looked at her own meager lot and saw treasures instead. She saw everything she had as a gift from God, and that allowed her to live a life of staggering generosity.
We are all called to be stewards of the treasures in our own lives.
You don’t need to be a millionaire to practice charity. Everything you have — talent, time, the food on your plate — are treasures that God has trusted to your care. What has He given you stewardship over? As you go on with your day, ask yourself how you can use your God given treasures to help others.
I will be a good steward of the time, talent and treasure God has given me.
This reflection is brought to you from book title.
Feast Day: September 14 (The Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
Feast Day Shared By: Saint Albert
Patron Saint of: Rural Youth, Servants, and Peasants
Symbols: An Ear of Corn and a Sickle
Canonized: March 27, 1862
Canonized By: Pope Pius IX
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