Do you want your spouse to be truly happy? What about your children? Do you want them to be happy? Do you want your spouse or children to be resilient in the face of difficulties? Do you want them to flourish?
An overwhelming amount of data has been pouring in over the past decade analyzing human happiness, and psychologists agree: spirituality is a key ingredient to human flourishing and happiness.
This next category covered in the inventory is religion and spirituality.
Sure, the old cliché says, “Couples that pray together, stay together.” And yes, the data actually backs that up, but it also tells us much more:
An awareness of a higher power—a being who is in control when you are not, to help you feel safe and grounded—it makes you happier. Even the military has poured money into this research, because the data shows it makes you more resilient and able to weather the difficulties of life. Everything from a simple conflict to the most extreme challenges.
Bottom line: it helps you thrive.
And sharing that faith—not just expressing it, but truly sharing it—has an overwhelmingly positive impact on a marriage and family. You will have a huge impact on your spouse’s spirituality, and that spirituality will have a huge impact on the lives of your children.
Get on the same page spiritually. Knowing where your spouse is at is a great place to start, and don’t forget to continue this conversation throughout your marriage. It just might be the one thing that makes all the difference for you and your children.